Thursday 14 June 2012

The Three Sisters- Hestia

Hestia- a virgin goddess of the hearth, home, family and sacrificial flame. She was the oldest of the six children and received the first offering at every sacrifice. She was initially one of the Twelve Olympians but was said to have given up her place in favour of Dionysus.

Apollo and Poseidon both courted her but she turned them down and requested to Zeus that she remain a virgin.

As she was the goddess of the hearth she did not leave it and so there are few if any tales about her. She was usually depicted as veiled with a torch in one hand and was a peaceful, docile goddess. Her symbols were the sacred flame, the kettle, the swine and the donkey.

Her Roman counterpart was Vesta, she had six virgins known as the Vestal Virgins, who swore chastity for thirty years and guarded the flame in her temple, as long as it burned Rome was safe.

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