Thursday 14 June 2012

The Three Brothers- Poseidon

Poseidon from The Immortals

Poseidon- God of the seas and earthquakes, husband to Amphitrite and father to Aeolus/Aiolos the wind god, Despoine, a goddess of mystery, Triton, a sea god, the Aloadae/Aloadai (giants Otus and Ephialtes), Charybdis/Kharbydis, a naiad who became a sea monster or whirlpool after winning too much land for her father and angering Zeus as a result, Khyrsaor/Chrysaor a giant or winged boar who was a son of Medusa and brother to Pegasus, Pegasus, the winged horse, Polyphemos, a cyclops, Arion/Areion, a swift, talking horse, Chrysomallus/Khrysomallos, the flying golden ram who saved Phrixus/Phrixos and whose fleece Jason and the Argonauts sought, the hero Bellerophon, the hero Theseus, the queen Lamia who had an affair with Zeus and was driven to kill and eat her children by Hera as a result, the giant Sinis who bound travellers to pine trees and had them wrenched apart by them, the robber Sciron who kicked people off cliffs to be eaten by a giant turtle, and the bandit Procrustes who stretched or cut people to make them fit his bed.

His wife Amphitrite was an Oceanid or a Nereid whose chariot was drawn by hippocampi/hippocamps/hippokampoi, beasts who had the front half of horses and the back half of fish, they also drew Poseidon's chariot. With Poseidon she was parent to the minor sea deity Triton, who was depicted like a merman, the sea nymph Rhode who was wife to Helios, the sea nymph Cymopoleia/Kymopoleia, who was the wife of the Hekantonkherie, Briareus/Briareos who was also given as a god of sea storms, and Benthesicyme/Benthesikyme a sea nymph and goddess of the waves.

Poseidon was known as the earth-shaker and the horse was sacred to him. He is depicted usually as bearded with his triton in hand. He made love to Demeter in the form of a stallion while she took the form of a mare in an attempt to escape him and together they created the talking horse Arion as well as the mysterious goddess Despoine. With Medusa he created the winged horse Pegasus as well as the winged boar or giant Chrysaor. He seduced the princess Melantho in the form of a dolphin and turned princess Theophane into a ewe after abducting her, to hide her, and coupled with her in the form of a ram, resulting in Khrysomallos the golden ram.

He was also associated with dolphins, the conch shell, and the bull. He sent a white bull from the sea to Minos in response to his request for proof of his right to rule as king of Crete but when Minos failed to sacrifice it he caused his wife Pasiphae to fall in love with it, the result was the Minotaur. The bull later became known as the Marathonian Bull and was first captured by Heracles and then released before being captured and sacrificed by Theseus.

Poseidon from God of War

He rivalled with Athena over the naming of Athens, he offered them a salty spring whilst she offered them an olive tree, they picked her gift and named the city after them. Poseidon sent a flood in revenge. He also had a contest with Hera for Argos and when the river gods picked Hera as the winner, Poseidon dried up the springs.
 He was on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War as he was not paid for building Troy's walls with Apollo, he had to build them as he and Apollo were sent into servitude of King Laomedon for offending Zeus. Poseidon was being punished for plotting to overthrow Zeus and Apollo was being punished for murdering the Cyclopes who had made Zeus' thunderbolt.

Poseidon plotted with Hera and Athena to overthrow Zeus, they succeeded in chaining him but were foiled by Thetis who got Briraeos to help him. In punishment Poseidon was banished, it was during this time that he built the walls of Troy with Apollo for King Laomedon. When Laomedon refused to pay the gods as promised, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy. He later sided against the Trojans during The Trojan War.

He punished Queen Cassiopeia for her boasts that she was prettier than the Nereids by sending the sea monster Cetus to plague Ethiopia. Her daughter Andromedea was demanded as a sacrifice by the Oracle of Apollo but she was saved by Perseus who slayed Cetus.

When Odysseus blinded Polyphemus, the cyclops son of Poseidon, he showed his wrath by plaguing Odysseus on his journey home.

Like his brother Zeus he had many lovers and children.

His Roman counterpart is Neptune the god of water and the seas. Initially Neptune was not that important and it was Portunes or Fortunus who was associated with naval victories. His wife was Salacia goddess of salt water.

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